Thomas County Public Library | News |

2022-09-02 23:23:25 By : Mr. Qiang Wang

Thunderstorms during the evening will give way to mostly cloudy skies after midnight. Low around 70F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%..

Thunderstorms during the evening will give way to mostly cloudy skies after midnight. Low around 70F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.

The other day I pre-ordered a sequel to a YA book that I have been quite looking forward to reading since finishing the first book. I got the call — the book was in! — so I wandered into The Bookshelf to grab my copy and take it home. The Bookshelf is such a delightful independent bookstore and even though I am surrounded by books pretty much all my waking hours, I still adore browsing the shelves and scoping out books.

The thing is, I don’t like buying books. How awful does that sound!? I am adamant about borrowing books from the library. If I see a book I am interested in reading while I am out, I will immediately jump onto the PINES application and see if we or another Georgia library has it available. If they don’t, I try out the Inter-Library Loan system (this is another borrowing program available that involves libraries outside of the Georgia Public Library System). If ILL fails me too, only then will I consider buying the book and then I buy it used.

I tell people I’m cheap (books are expensive!) but really, I don’t like buying books because once I read them, I am done with them. I’ll give them away to a free little library if friends or family are not interested in reading it, or if on the off-chance I buy a new release (because I am too impatient to wait until the library new book freezing period is over), I will donate it to the library if I know they haven’t purchased it. I will only donate new-release, non-used books as these are the one’s more likely to go into circulation. And honestly, I tend to only buy new YA books, since I know that the budget in that department is smaller that the adult budget, so it is more likely that said book will not/was not already purchased.

I makes me feel slightly hypocritical that I will not buy books because I really do want books to continue to be around and available to everyone, but by not buying books, I am not helping to support the artist — the authors — to ensure those books are written in the first place. My boyfriend and I were discussing my hypocrisy (he being a poet and an adamant purchaser of books) and it got us discussing and thinking about fellowships, as in fellowship programs. Back in the day, if an artist was lucky, they would be supported by a wealthy patron or benefactor to the arts. This lifted the weight of trying to carve out a living and survive in a society while simultaneously trying to work on their art.

Writing a book, painting a picture, carving a sculpture, or whatever medium an artist works in, is really labor-intensive work. Honestly, if you ever have the chance to speak with an artist on their process and flow, do. It takes a mental and emotional toll on the artist, not to mention the time it takes to gather the research or solidify the focus of the message plus the time going into actually *creating* the work itself. It is a much different way of “working” than most people define as “work” and I don’t think many people fully understand how much goes into the art. That is probably why the word ‘work’ was attached to ‘art’: so that it would give the artist credibility and value in a money-driven society.

My book purchase got me thinking: do public libraries hurt the artist? They definitely help the artist in reaching and introducing more individuals to their work. Like I said, books are expensive, and if you are reading 50-60 books a year that is going to cost you somewhere between 1,500-1,600$, if you are buying new. If you are buying your child books, maybe reading 250-300 books a year, that Is going to set you back 5,200-5,4000$. Many people do not have that much expendable income and without the public library, they would not have access to the works of all those artists. Most libraries buy only one copy of a title, but larger library systems will buy more than one and, as of the American Library Associations most recent count, there are 9,057 public libraries in the US. If each library were buying an author’s debut book, that would be about 253,596$ right there. That is well over what many people make in a year! So: are public libraries really hurting the author?

I mean, I know much of the money from the sale of a book is going to the publishing company and that every library is not buying every single book that is published, but I’m just speaking hypothetically here. When a book is purchased by the individual, it may or may not even be read (how may books do you have sitting on your shelves you have yet to pick up?) and once read, it will probably just stay on that shelf, never to be seen or shared with another person and, in a way, hurting the artist, as their art is not being exposed to more people who may encourage the artist to create more work.

Maybe I am just creating a defense to my cheap-ness and making me feel better about my hypocrisy, but I do believe that public libraries help the artist. Public libraries create more exposure to the community; the artists provide the assets of the library; the assets spark creativity in the borrower, who may go on to be one of those artists or a benefactor to those artists, and etc., etc. Sharing and exposure is essential to maintaining the arts, I think…Which is really helping the artist more?

But maybe I am biased. I do work for the library, after all.

— Samantha Hanchett, Marketing + Outreach Coordinator

*Please note that the opinions of “Thoughts” are just that and do not necessarily represent the views of the Thomas County Public Library.

Technology One-on-Ones (By appointment only)

Monday and Tuesday, between 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Schedule an appointment for individual computer or technology help with our Reference Department. Appointments must be made 48 hours in advance, no walk-ins accepted. Tech sessions will be private and last one (1) hour. Call the library for more details.

Book to Art Book Club

Our book club brings the art out of literature. The Book to Art Book Club meets once a month to discuss a shared read and create a unique piece of art inspired by the book. Call or stop by the Thomasville Library circulation desk to join or email Samantha Hanchett at

An introductory yoga class that moves slowly through a simple vinyasa sequence, focusing on alignment and breath while working on strength, balance and flexibility. Great for beginners to yoga. Be dressed for movement and flexibility. Bring a mat, if possible. (Yoga supplies limited.)

Stop in and view original pieces by members of the Pines & Palms Artist Association. Displayed in the Henry Flipper Room located in the lobby. Art available for purchase through Pines & Palms.

Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Join us for a few great read-aloud storybooks, songs and rhymes designed to enhance the literacy of your child. Each Story Time is followed by a simple, fun art + craft to further spark the magic of reading. Story Time is a great place to meet and mingle with other caregivers and children in the community. Intended for ages 2-4.

Grab your kiddos and join us for a meeting of the LEGO Club. Allow your child’s creativity to thrive through 3D creation and meet some new people/kids. We also offer larger LEGO bricks for those who find the smaller ones tasty. Intended for ages 4-11.

Meet fellow Anime Fans near you! Come to a local Anime Meetup for fun, friends and talk about your favorite Anime/Manga artists, shows and games. Share your own art and fiction! Whatever interests you about Anime and Manga is welcome here. Intended for ages 12–17.

All things hummingbird in celebration of this teeny creature: storybooks and arts + crafts!

Join our librarians and others from the community for a mixed media art tutorial and project. All supplies provided at no cost by the library.

Join us for an afternoon tea party with your child and their favorite stuffed friend. We will be serving decaffeinated black tea and petit fours. Meet and mingle with others from the community and share in the joy of tea! Intended for ages 3-9. 

The Quiddler Club meets each Tuesday at our Boston Branch for an afternoon of the fast, fun word game that challenges you to make words with your hand of cards faster than your opponents. A great space to meet and mingle with others in your community! Intended for ages 18+.

Girl Forgotten, by Karin Slaughter

Atomic Anna, by Rachel Barenbaum

The Measure, by Nikki Erlick

Memphis, by Tara M. Stringfellow

Fox Creek, by William Kent Krueger

Marrying the Ketchups, by Jennifer Clase

Against All Odds, by Bill Roorbach


"The idea is, you know, you live from moment to moment...this moment decides the next step. You shouldn’t be five steps ahead, only the very next one. And if you can keep to that, you’re always alright. You see, but people are thinking too far ahead . . . you know what I mean? Think only what’s right there. Do only what’s right under your nose to do. You know? It’s such a simple thing and people can’t do it, you know." — Henry Miller

5 Questions from a Stranger is a monthly audio series that introduces you to a topic through the eyes of one with first-hand experience. Crack open a living library book. Available wherever you listen to your podcasts!

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